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ISSN 2457-0400

Impact Factor  :  6.711

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*Bhumija Maharishi Trivedi


More than 1,250,000 Americans are newly diagnosed with cancer every year. Approximately 500,000 of these individuals (40% annually) will develop oral complications from the therapy used to treat their cancer. Nearly one third of cancer patients undergoing radiation and/ or chemotherapy treatment are susceptible to oral complications that may interrupt or even cancel their cancer therapy. Bone marrow and stem cell transplant patients are also at high risk for oral complications. Almost all patients who receive radiation for head and neck malignancies suffer from oral complications. Approximately 40% of patients receiving chemotherapy present with oral sequelae, and more than 75% of bone marrow transplant patients develop oral complications. Some patients experience oral complications only during the active treatment phase. Other problems resulting from cancer treatment, such as xerostomia, can persist for years. Unfortunately, many patients don’t receive oral care until serious, even life-threatening, complications develop. The oral sequelae of cancer therapy can be so severe, so debilitating, that patients may not be able to tolerate the cancer therapy. Scheduled treatment may have to be postponed or therapy discontinued entirely. Oral complications from radiation to the head and neck, or chemotherapy for any malignancy, are cited as the single most common cause of the interruption and premature termination of treatment regimens for cancer patients. Therefore, the oral complications of cancer therapy have the potential to adversely affect treatment outcomes, cancer prognosis, and quality of life for millions of men, women, children, and the families who love them. The general dentist holds a critical position on the healthcare team for cancer treatment, however, neither patients nor their cancer care physicians typically include the patient’s dentist in the line of communication when cancer is diagnosed. This must change in order to improve cancer therapy outcomes for the thousands of people treated for cancer annually. Dental professionals must develop innovative approaches to serve the special needs of cancer patients so these patients can continue to receive their potentially life-saving treatment. Diligent oral care prior to, during, and following cancer treatment can prevent or reduce the severity of oral complications, enhancing both patient survival and the patient’s quality of life.

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