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*Dr. Dilip Kr. Goswami, B.A.M.S. MD (Ay), Ph.D.


The group of infectious diseases that spread from one person to another through air is termed as “air-borne diseases”. In this case the disease causing agents (organisms like bacteria, virus etc.) first cause pollution of air. Then, since inhalation of air is must for each and every individual, they enter into the respiratory tract and from there spread their effect to the whole body. In modern medical science, for prevention of such diseases “fumigation” is opted in large scale. As a tradition at the very beginning of the rainy season fumigation with mosquito destroyers is done to kill the mosquito which are the vector of malaria, chikungunia, dangue etc. Ayurveda, the well accepted health science of India serving for the mankind selflessly since time immemorial, deals with all types of diseases/conditions that can cause disturbance in peace of the living beings (not only of the human but also of the animal kingdom). The Ayurvedic scholars classify the diseases into two main groups – (1)Nija (that occurs due to disturbance in the normalcy of the body humours viz. Vata, Pitta and Kafa) and (2)Agantuja (that occurs due to invasion of the external agents leading to disturbance in the normalcy of the body humours ). For the “Nija roga” the treatment procedure is mentioned by the authors in detail. But for the “Agantuja roga” there are some additions in the treatment procedure. As the Agantuja roga is considered to occur due to invasion of “krimi (worms)”,”bhuta”, “rakshasa(two examples of invisible harmful agents)” etc. it is said to be mandatory to think about the surrounding environment of the patient. As the direction suggest purification of air is most important to protect the patient from the attack of the external agents as mentioned. “Dhoomaprayoga” or “Dhoopana” (use of smoke by burning some substances) is considered as the most important and beneficial method for purification of air by the Ayurvedic authors. Since even now the human society is facing the problem of spread of disease through air hence the need of discussion, evaluation and application of the process “ Dhoopana”, as mentioned in the Ayurvedic classics, can be considered as the need of the hour. Drawing attention to the concept of application of medicated smoke may be proved to be beneficial for the human society even now, at the time of “CORONA VIRUS OUTBREAK”.

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