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Dr. Vivek Singh Patel*
Stool examination is an important laboratory investigative tool in medicine, which is used to understand the health and disease condition of a person. It is also included in Ashtasthana Pariksha. The factors which are described under Ashtasthana Pariksha indicate that these are the body parts or metabolic products, where there will be changes when a person suffers from diseases. Observing these changes, the diagnosis can be made, or these can help as tools in diagnosing a disease. The changes pertaining to Purisha (stool) have been described under various disease conditions in Brihattrayi but are scattered. Examination plays an important role in diagnosis and prognosis of diseases. Since Samhita Kala various methods of examination is explained like Dwividha Pareeksha, Trividha Pareeksha, Dashavidha Pareeksha, Ashtasthana Pareeksha and Dwadasa Pareeksha. In Samhita Kala Mutra Pareeksha was carried out by Pratyaksha (inspection) and Anumana (inference). Hence, from ancient period great attention is given to examine various attributes of urine in order to understand course of disease.
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