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Dr. Akashdeep Meshram*, Dr. Suwarna Akashdeep Meshram, Dr. Sandeep Kashyap
Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental condition seen in children of 2 years of age and above.Thisimpacts the normal functioning of the brain, challenging the periodic development of children, particularly with their language and communication skills &personal response by the repetitive stereotype behaviour. This disorder usually gets evident during the first three years of life and if remain undiagnosed or neglected may harm the brain and cognitive functions for the rest of the life of the individual. It affects the western population as 100:6 and in India as 100:2. Critical awareness and more research needed other than the standard training methods practised at present. This article is an attept to contribute treatment regime mentioned in Ayurveda science for the benefit of the condition. Ayurveda can explainthe pathogenesis along with prophylaxis and specific measurefor management of such disorder. After summarizing the references on Autism, it is observed that Poorvajanitkarma, mithyaaharavihara during pregnancy might be the causeof altered mental growth, development of brain and nerve tissue. The vitiation of kaphaand tamoguna as well as vata and rajoguna leads to genetic abnormality beejadusti. The mental status of mother plays an important role in both physical and mental development of the child. Treatment currently available inAllopathy is palliative, whereas Ayurveda tries to explainabout complete treatment protocol via MedhyaRasayana, Rasaaushadhis& various Panchakarmawhichplays an important role in the treatment of autism and other conditions like it.
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