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Rhadwan Hammadi Thanon*
Background: Epilepsy with late onset (LOE) is becoming a more widespread global public health concern. Agingitself carries the risk of neurological diseases that can cause epilepsy and significant cognitive impairment such asacute focused damage. the clinical setting, clinical and instrumental examinations are performed on patients whohave LOE, which in most cases leads to the identification of the disease's origin. Objective: To obtain an easy andeffective tool supporting the routine activity of the clinicians facing LOE. Methods: A hospital-based crosssectionalstudy. It was from the period of January to June in the year 2024. The study is conducted at Al SalamTeaching hospital. The questionnaire, is comprised of three sections. The First section for sociodemographicinformation, the second section for epilepsy types and clinical manifestations. The third section for EEG and CTscanfindings. Results: The study included 200 participants, 103 (51.5%) were males and 97 (48.5%) werefemales, with male : female ratio of 1.06:1. Late onset epilepsy are more prevalent among the age group of 25 toless than 35 years while males are more likely to be affected among the age group of 45 to less than 55 years,among different etiologies, brain tumor is prevalent among 77 (38.5%), cerebrovascular accident among 46(23%), idiopathic among 39 (19.5%), miscellaneous cerebral lesion among 14 (7%), trauma among 13 (6.5%),brain abscess among 7 (3.5%) and alcohol among 4 (2%). Moreover; the study shows males have morecerebrovascular etiology (30 males versus 16 females) and more alcohol (all are males) while females have morebrain tumor (45 females versus 32 males) and among the group of idiopathic etiology (23 females versus 16males). The study shows that generalized seizure is more prevalent among idiopathic etiology group (64.1%),while partial simple seizure without secondary generalization is more prevalent among CVA (32.6%) but partialsimple seizure with secondary generalization is more prevalent among brain tumor patients (41.5%). Conclusion:Brain tumor and CVA are the commonest cause of LOE. EEG and CT-scan sometimes are useful in diagnosis ofLOE, prospective future studies are needed to confirm the exact etiology of LOE and it contributing factors.
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