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Mohamed M. Naif*, Odai H. Omar, Mohammed T. Yahya and Nabeel M. Jasim


Background: CT has rapidly become a highly effective diagnostic tool for a wide range of urinary tract disorders, including renal masses. has a significant impact on the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Computed tomography is a quick, simple, safe diagnostic imaging method that can provide important details regarding a variety of kidney diseases. Objective: To describe the characteristics renal solid masses based on CT-scan radiological features. Patients and Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted at the department of radiology in Al Ibn Sina teaching hospital (CT-scan unit) during the period from August 2024 to the end of September 2024. Sixty patients with a known instance of solid renal mass, usually via ultrasound or other imaging modalities (complex or simple cystic masses are excluded), were sent to the CT facility for assessment. The diagnosis and staging of the patients in this study were determined by surgical and pathological findings after doing partial or complete nephrectomy, or FNAC. Results: A total of 60 patients, ranging in age from 6 months to 81 years, participated in this prospective study, with a mean age of 57.6. 35 (58.3 %) were male and 23 (42.7%) were female and male to femfale ratio 1.6:1. The study shows that the age groups of 50 years and above are more prevalent than the ages of less than 50 years, right side is more prevalent than left side, fifty-two cases (86.7%) show malignant tumor while eight cases (13.3%) have benign tumor, renal cell carcinoma (RCC) was prevalent among (70%) patients. The mean and median size of RCC in the study are 4.6 and 5.5 cm respectively with range between 2-9 cm, located predominantly at the lower zone of the kidneys and commonly at stage 1 and 3 among the study population. (69%) of the patients having somewhere tumor extent. Conclusion: CT is a widely used diagnostic and characterization tool for patients with renal masses because it provides excellent anatomical information and is quick, accessible, non-invasive, and operator independent. However; certain limitations, primarily in the areas of perirenal invasion and lymph node involvement, but it exhibits an excellent precision in both close and far metastases, as well as venous extension.

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