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Dr. Sonali Gulabsingh Rathod, MS*
Stanya khaya is the most common threat to a newborn and its lactating mother. This incidence had been estimated to range from 23% to 36% during the first 4 months after delivery[3] Due to hectic and stressful life many lactating mothers are facing problem of Stanyakshaya (Lactation insufficiency/Deficiency). Due to it, many mothers use alternative food/milk instead of breast milk which is harmful to health of babies. Case Study: A 33yr old female, Housewife by occupation sufferring from stanyakshaya and she was given 5gm of Karpuradi choorna treated with a glass of 100ml Godugdha, Cow’s milk twice a day. In mother Stanamlanata and Stanya praman parameters were assessed, while in baby Malapravrutti, Sharira bhara vruddhi, Rodan, Dehydration and Nidra parameters were assessed. Results & Discussion: Parameters improved gradually and at the end of day 30 all parameters in mother and baby were found within normal limits. Drug used for treatment were having Katu rasa, katu vipaka, ushna virya, effects on tridosha, balances kapha and vata, Stanyajanana etc.Properties which helped to nourish impaired Rasa dhatu and to increase stanya pramana (lactation). Conclusion: Rasa dhatwagnimandya and Rasa dhatukshaya are most common factors in samprapti of Stanykshaya and same should be corrected to increase Stanya pramana as Stanya is upadhatu of Rasa dhatu. Same treatment plan may not be helpful in each and every patient of Stanyakshaya.
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