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Khalifa E. Sharquie, Adil A. AL Noaimi, *Jinan H. AL-Kalidy and Adil R. AL-Saadawi
Background: Acneiform eruptions are common and important variants of acne vulgaris, that are result from a wide variety of causes, including infections like pityrosporum folliculitis, drug like steroids and hair epilation. Objective: To evaluate the clinical, histopathological, and microbiological aspects of acneiform eruptions and its' relation to presence or absence of pityrosprum folliculitis. Materials and Methods: This is clinical and histopathological descriptive study that was conducted in department of dermatology, Baghdad teaching hospital from October 2017 to October 2018, where a total number of 212 patients with acneiform eruptions were included in this study. the frequency of different types of acneiform eruptions were analyzed according to the clinical features, microbiological and histopathological examination. Result: A total number of 212 patients were seen, their ages ranged from14-40(23.04+_5.97) years.Patients were divided into the following:1. Steroid-induced acneiform eruption78/212(36.7%) patients,40(51%) 0f them were females and 38(48.7%) males with females to male ratio 1.05:12. Pityrosporum folliculitis 50/212(23.5%) patients,36(72%) of them were males and 14(28%)females with males to females ratio 2.5:1 30/212(14%) were primary pityrosporum folliculitis 20/212(9.4%)patients were secondary pityrosporum folliculitis3. Post-hair epilation acne38/212(18%) patients. all of them were females.4. Behcets, disease-associated acneiform eruptions 19/212(9%) patients,13(68%) males and6(32%)females with males to females ratio2.1:15. Polycystic ovary syndrome 12/212(5.7%)patients6. Cosmrtic acne 6/212(2.8%) patients7. Drug-induced acneiform eruption other than steroid 4/212(1.9%) patients8. Tropical acne 3/212(1.4%) patients9. Occupational acne2/212(0.9%)From all these patients we collected 20 cases of secondary pityrosporum folliculitis,19 cases from the steroid therapy and 1 case seen with behcets, disease, so the total cases of pityrosporum folliculitis were 50 cases,30 caces primary pityrosprum folliculitis and 20 cases secondary pityrosporum folliculitis. The pityrosporum folliculitis was more common among males than females with a male to female ratio of 2.3:1. The back was the predominant site that was affected in patient with primary pityrosporum folliculitis, in contrast to other types of acneiform eruption where different sites may be involved like buttock and thighs in behcets' disease, face in patient with polycystic ovary syndrome, upper arms and trunk in patients with post-hair epilation acne. Conclusions: Acneiform eruption is an important problem, where many causes were observed in this study Pityrosporum folliculitis was common variant seen.
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