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Best Article Awards
World Journal of Advance Healthcare Research (WJAHR) is giving Best Article Award in every Issue for Best Article and Issue Certificate of Appreciation to the Authors to promote research activity of scholar.
Best Article of current issue
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Abbas Khudhair Hamad, Mohammed Radef Dawood* and Alaa Yass Abd
Background: Antrochoanal polyp is originating from maxillary sinus and emerging from its natural or accessoryostia to extend backward to choana. Aim: To evaluate demographical, clinical, radiological and histopathologicalcharacteristics, and analysis its various surgical removal techniques. Patients and Methods: 38 patients withantrochoanal polyp were enrolled in current case series study, the diagnosis done by clinical examination,endoscopy and sinus computerized tomography scan whom underwent surgical removal, were investigated andstudied. The improvement was assessed via visual analogue scale and Lund-Kennedy score at regular basis. Thefollow-up was within 1 year. Results: Males (60.6%) and females (39.4%), mean age (15±274 SD), all them(100%) arise from maxillary sinuses and unilateral, it emerged (68.42%) from natural and (34.21%) fromaccessory ostia, and attachment site was the antral posterior wall (65.78%), nasal obstruction was presentingsymptom (100%), and overall nasal symptoms improvement by Visual analogue scale from (7.69 ± 1.95) to(1.64± 52.6) postoperatively, and by Lund-Kennedy score the success rate was (97.36%). Specimen’shistopathological characteristics (100%) confirmed diagnosis. The endoscopic sinus surgery was done in allpatients, either alone (92.10%), or accompanied with transcanine sinoscopy (5.26%), or with modified CaldwellLuc (2.63%). 0ne recurrence occurred after endoscopic sinus surgery alone, while no recurrence was found aftercombined procedures. Conclusion: Slight male predominance, affect children and young adults, arise frommaxillary sinuses, unilateral, nasal obstruction was main presenting clinical symptom, it emerges rather fromnatural than accessory ostia, attachment site was mainly posterior wall. The best surgical removal by endoscopicsinus surgery, done either alone, or combined with transcanine sinuscopy or modified Caldwell-Luc procedures,and most important factors affecting choice of surgical approaches were patient age, origin attachment site, and indoubt about complete removal of polyp.
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